Ride Leader Bio's

Ride Leader Guidelines

• Try to keep your route off of major highways. Some county highways are experiencing dramatic increases in commuter traffic. If you can, plan these sections for the later portion of the route when it’s less likely to be busy, or plan to go against the traffic flow.

• Prepare a map. We are trying to get our routes posted on our site so leaders don’t need to print as many maps. If you can email a “printable” map to the webmaster, at least 2 WEEKS before the ride, you’ll be spared from printing out a lot of sheets. Otherwise, plan your printing accordingly. 100-200 sheets on a good weather night in the middle of the summer is not that uncommon.

• Pre-ride (or drive) the route a day or two before your Wednesday to be sure the roads are open and to check for fresh pea-gravel. If there are any surprises you should at least notify riders on the night of the ride. Describe what the issue is and where it is at. You could offer alternatives (or not). If people have a map and know about the obstacle, they can decide for themselves what to do.

• Show up on your scheduled Wednesday. Believe it or not, we have no-shows every once in a while and a panic spreads throughout the WNBR crowd. Not good. Try to be there at least a ½-hour before the start time. Sometimes something comes up and you can’t be there. If that happens please find someone to fill in for you!


Gail Van Haren

 Jason Dorgan
Jason Dorgan
Jason has been riding with WNBR since the early 1990's

John & Michele

 Tim Goihl
Tim Goihl

P. Jeffery Archibald

Hey you! Get back to work!   Ya, right.    What are you lookin' at?!?

The "faces of Jeff" 

 Harry & Kay
Harry & Kay Lum




Do you want to be a Ride-Leader?

Several people have approached us who want to help out by being ride-leaders next year. What a great idea! New ride-leaders often bring entirely new routes or welcome changes to existing routes, thereby keeping our rides fun and interesting throughout the years.

There are several people on this year’s schedule that are ride-leaders for 2 rides. We are asking for new leaders to consider picking up one of these rides. You should contact that ride-leader and express your interest or E-mail WNBR directly.

After we have these poor overburdened ride-leaders relieved of their dual capacity, we welcome our new ride-leaders to contact any of the other ride-leaders to discuss their interest in leading a ride. Many of our current ride-leaders have been volunteering for years and would welcome a smooth transition into ride-following. As Ride-Leader you have full control over the route. We do however have a loosely applied “Code of Conduct” for our ride-leaders, which follows below...

Contact information for our Ride-Leaders can found on the Schedule.